Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22

The Indoor Percussion Ensemble (known as "NAindoor") is an auditioned group of students from the NA Marching Band that performs and competes locally in the Three Rivers Winter Ensemble Association (TRWEA) and nationally in the Winterguard International (WGI) circuits. This ensemble is staffed by some of the best instructors in the Western PA area and utilizes a strong design team composed of Nationally Recognized designers. NAindoor is a 13 time WGI Regional Finalist, 2 time WGI World Championship Semi-Finalist, 8 Time TRWEA PSA Champion, 2021 WGI Virtual Season Finalist, 2022 WGI Dayton Percussion Regional PSA Champion, and 2022 WGI World Championship PSA Finalist.
NAindoor rehearses 2-3 days a week from late November to Mid April, and performs between 6-10 times from the end of January until Late April.
NAindoor is directed by Evan Brown.